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What are Supercookies and How Can They Affect Your Online Privacy?

Have you ever felt like your online activity is being monitored? If so, you may be right. Supercookies are a type of software used to track and collect data about your online activities and preferences. Developed by the likes of Microsoft and Google, super cookies will follow you wherever you go, no matter what website or application you use. They can collect the same data that traditional HTTP Cookies do, as well as additional information that is out of your control.

Recently, supercookies have become increasingly popular for tracking users online due to advertisers finding it harder to track people via cookies alone. Unfortunately, these types of tracking programs are difficult to delete from computers or browsers; however there are numerous tools available that can help keep them at a minimum. To better understand how browser history works and how it can be tracked, take this free Internet safety lesson which covers all aspects of browser tracking.

Supercookies have been around for some time now but their usage has grown significantly in recent years due to their ability to monitor user activity without their knowledge or consent. This makes them an attractive option for companies looking to gain insight into consumer behavior in order to target ads more effectively or even sell user data on the open market without users’ knowledge or permission. While these practices may seem intrusive and unethical they remain legal in many countries around the world making it important for users to take steps towards protecting themselves from unwanted surveillance by using tools such as anti-tracking software and ad blockers when browsing the web.

What are Supercookies?

Supercookies are small pieces of code that are placed on a user’s device Without their knowledge. They are not visible to the user and don’t require any type of permission to be installed, making them difficult to detect. Supercookies differ from regular cookies because they cannot be removed or blocked by browser settings and can be stored in different locations on a device, such as the registry or Flash player. Websites and advertisers have faced strong criticism for collecting and selling personal data about computer users without their knowledge, using supercookies to track user activity without their knowledge.

HTTP cookies are small blocks of data created by a web server while a user is browsing a website and placed on the user’s computer or mobile device. Without the cookie, users would need to authenticate themselves by logging in each time they visit a website. Internet privacy experts have labeled TrustPid as an example of this type of supercookie due its ability to independently identify tracking headers themselves and use the data to serve targeted ads across the web. Supercookies can restore deleted cookies which allows websites to continue tracking users even after they delete their regular cookies, making it difficult for users who want more control over their online privacy settings.

Ironically, features designed with online privacy in mind can now be reworked into “supercookies” that track you like bloodhounds across multiple websites using your personal information collected from various sources such as social media accounts or other sites you visit regularly. Any respectable Web browser should offer some form of protection against these types of malicious activities but it is important for users remain vigilant when it comes protecting themselves online from potential threats like supercookies that could compromise your security if left unchecked.

How Do Supercookies Work?

Supercookies are a type of tracking cookie that is designed to track user activity over time. They are usually associated with a unique identifier, such as an IP address or device ID, which allows the website or advertiser to identify the user. This data is then used to target ads, build user profiles, and track user activity. Supercookies can also be used to bypass user privacy settings by storing themselves in different locations on the device so they are not affected by browser settings.

TrustPid has been labeled as a supercookie by internet privacy experts due to its ability to collect large amounts of users‘ internet browsing data and inject it into HTTP headers. Advertising cookies (targeting cookies or tracking cookies) are also commonly used for tracking purposes and can be found on websites when users browse them online. These types of cookies store small blocks of data created by web servers while users visit websites and place them on their computers or other devices.

Unique Identifier Headers (UIDH) have been used by Verizon in order to inject information at the network level when users visit websites over an encrypted connection. This type of supercookie is able to bypass any privacy settings that may have been set up in web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge etc., as these tracking cookies are usually used for advertising purposes and do not require permission from the user before being placed onto their device.

What is the Risk to Online Privacy?

The use of supercookies poses a serious risk to online privacy. These cookies are able to track user activity, collect data, and target ads without the user’s knowledge or consent. This type of data collection can have a significant impact on user privacy as it can be used to build detailed profiles of users which can be used for targeted advertising, data mining, and even surveillance. Furthermore, supercookies are able to bypass user privacy settings which can lead to a lack of control over how personal data is collected and used. Google and its partners use cookies in advertising in order to track an internet user’s visits to unencrypted websites and slowly build up a profile from this activity. Targeting Cookies do not store directly personal information but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. Knowledge, consent, transparency, and limiting collection have been identified as needing further attention when it comes to protecting online privacy from the use of supercookies. As such B2B marketers need to prepare for a cookieless marketing world by late 2023 due the invasion of users’ privacy that these cookies cause.

How to Protect Your Online Privacy

Protecting your online privacy is essential in today’s digital world. One of the most important steps you can take is to be aware of the types of tracking software that are out there, such as supercookies. Supercookies are a type of tracking cookie that can be used by advertisers to track how often people view their ads. It is important to understand how they work and what risks they pose to your privacy. To protect yourself from these potential threats, make sure that your browser settings are up-to-date and use the latest version available. Additionally, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) which will encrypt your data and make it difficult for anyone else to access it without your knowledge or permission.

When visiting websites, always read the terms and conditions as well as any privacy policies so you know exactly how your data may be used or collected by third parties. You should also check with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) if they allow you to opt-out of any tracking activities on their end; this option is usually found under the “privacy” section in account settings. Furthermore, HTTP cookies are built specifically for web browsers so companies can track user sessions and personalize information accordingly; however, these cookies can also be exploited by advertisers who use them for profiling purposes without users’ consent or knowledge – this type of cookie is known as a “supercookie”. By taking all these precautions into consideration when browsing online, you will ensure that you have maximum protection against any potential threats posed by supercookies or other forms of Online Tracking software.


In conclusion, supercookies are a type of tracking software used to monitor and collect data about your online activities and preferences. They can pose a risk to user privacy, as they can be used to build detailed profiles of users and target ads without the user’s knowledge or consent. Supercookies are permanent tracking cookies that are injected into HTTP headers by ISPs in order to collect large amounts of user’s internet browsing data. This data is then used for profiling purposes, such as displaying targeted ads or selling personal information. It is important for users to be aware of the risks posed by supercookies and take steps to protect their online privacy. This includes using encryption when possible, deleting cookies regularly, using ad blockers or anti-tracking software, and being mindful of what websites you visit. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your online activities remain private and secure from unwanted surveillance.

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